The Foundation’s success depends upon the generosity of our membership.
There are a number of ways to help. See examples below. We hope you’ll consider doing so.
The Foundation’s success depends upon the generosity of our membership.
There are a number of ways to help. See examples below. We hope you’ll consider doing so.
Make a check out to:
Mariner Sands Foundation
6500 SE Mariner Sands Country Club
Stuart, FL 34997
Sign up for this fun event held each year with Charity Week. The Ball Drop Proceeds go directly to the Mariner Sands Foundation.
A number of members have made donations in celebration of a birthday or in the name of a departed friend/loved one.
Attend and donate at this twice-a-year event where fellow members prepare your cocktails. All proceeds in the tip jars go directly to the Mariner Sands Foundation.
The Mariner Sands Foundation is always looking for talented members who can help assist in any number of ways.