Mariner Sands Foundation

Our Motto is “Taking Care of Our Own” and families in need.


Our Mission

The Foundation was established by residents of Mariner Sands to provide community and financial help to employees of Mariner Sands and their families.

History of Foundation

The Mariner Sands Foundation, established in 2002, was the brainchild of Gene Brouyette, with strong support from other generous members. It was created to offer financial assistance to our valued employees in times of need including with health problems, home repairs, legal aid, education, and other critical issues.

Once resources were in place, and employees informed about the program, an application screening committee was established, and assistance began to flow. To date, we’re proud to state, the Foundation has provided over $1.25 million in aid to employees.
The need today is as great as it’s ever been and the Foundation is determined to fulfill the promise of its founding members.

As George Forsyth aptly put it, “Charity begins at home, and I can think of nothing more important than helping our valued employees in their time of need.”

In 2023, we aided 33 employees and expended over $154,707 in aid.

© 2025 Mariner Sands Foundation. All Rights Reserved.